Friday, April 27, 2012

Quality Time

I love my Friday afternoons! I get off at noon and it gives me the opportunity to get caught up on chores and pick up the older kids from school! But it also allows me to spend quality time with JUST Paige. This is the advantage of having kids several years apart in age. I feel like I got 7 whole years of quality "alone" time with Trace. And by the time Marci came along, Trace was in I experienced quality time with her. And now...Paige comes along and trace and Marci are in school, so it's mommy and me time with her!! And let me tell you...she's such a little angel doll face!! I could squeeze the sweetness right out of those cheeks and serve it for dessert!! We played outside today and she just about trips over herself to get to the door when the word "outside" is even mentioned. ;)

She now says: Trace and something that sounds like Marci...uh oh...tank sounds the letter "T" for tv when she gets in the car ;)

Love love love my kiddos and the laughter they bring!!

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